Membership is God’s design for His people to flourish together as a covenant community used by Him, for His glory. It is a Biblical response to the gospel, so at Aletheia Church we value membership, we take it seriously as a commitment to God and to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we celebrate it!   

Interested in Membership?

We set up our membershp process so you can get to know us:

  • Membership Interest Meeting: a 30 minute, informal meeting after church where we'll briefly talk about church membership and explain our membership process. You’ll also receive a packet of information on our church, which includes our Statement of Faith, Core Values, and Membership Covenant. These are hosted approximately every three months, immediately following a Sunday service. Be sure to check the Events tab to see when the next one is.
  • Membership Interest Dinner: join us for dinner with current church leaders and others in the membership process. We'll take a look at what membership at Aletheia looks like and discuss what it looks like to be a healthy member of the church family!

We've also set it up in a way that allows us to get to know you! After you attend the interest meeting and / or the dinner:

  • New Member Interview: this is an informal meeting with a leader of the church where we can hear your testimony and why you're ready to partner with us in membership. We'll discuss ways to get involved in the life of the church and also take time to answer any questions you may have.

Finally, we'll celebrate! During the service, we will formally introduce you and welcome you to the family! Along with this, you will receive a small gift and allow the congregation to join in and celebrate what the Lord is doing here at Aletheia Church.

If you aren't a member here, but want to know more about why we believe church membership is BiblicalBeneficial, and Beautiful, or if you're ready to become a member here, please contact Brandon Kiracofe.