*Community Groups launch for the Spring semester on January 26th. See below for each group's details.*
One vital way we pursue God's plan and design for His people and our church’s mission is through community groups. Each week, small groups gather for conversation, prayer, study, and outreach. Our groups are centered around our four Core Values from Acts 2.42-47.
...they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching…
God’s Word is eternal (Isaiah 40.8), true (John 8.31-32), good, profitable, and sufficient (2 Timothy 3.16-17), and accomplishes His purposes (Isaiah 55.11). Therefore, everything in our church is centered around and built upon God’s Word and the gospel. There is no better foundation and allows us to have a humble confidence operating in this way as we submit to what He says in all areas in the life of our church: our preaching, community groups, counseling, evangelism, membership, etc.
…attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes
We’re not created or designed to be alone, but we also know that any community we experience is only as strong as what it is built upon. Therefore, we build our community on the gospel and allow it to form, inform, and transform our church family.
This is God’s purpose and plan, seen throughout the Bible, to proclaim His excellencies and glory to a hurting and broken world. So being in Christ means we are entering into a family with others, and into the eternal purposes that God wants to accomplish through His people.
We do this through formal and informal ways that foster and strengthen Biblical community, which include living out the one anothers found in Scripture, care, hospitality, friendship, unity, caring for one another, and taking genuine interest in others above ourselves (Philippians 2.1-11).
And they devoted themselves to...the prayers.
As followers of Christ who have been given the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1.13), we strive to be a church dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit and seek an ever growing and deepening dependence and reliance on His power. We affirm the Spirit in both theology and practice, and acknowledge that He works in both miraculous and ordinary ways, which include:
- Embracing the Biblical promises from the Spirit, which include interceding for us when we don’t know how to pray (Romans 8.26), producing joy in affliction (1 Thessalonians 1.6), hope (Romans 15.13) and freedom (2 Corinthians 3.17).
- Spirit Led Worship & Prayer (John 4.24, Ephesians 6.18)
- Elder led prayers for healing (James 5.13-15)
- Faithfully displaying of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22-23)
- Earnestly desiring the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 14.1)
…and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
It is our vision that every corner of our city and surrounding communities would be affected by someone who knows and loves Jesus. Therefore, our church sees Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28.18-20) as an integral part of the life and mission of our church. This includes formal opportunities for outreach and evangelism, participating in local and global partnerships, meeting tangible needs in the church and in the community, and participating in and supporting church planting. This also includes informal ways as “ambassadors for Christ” (2 Corinthians 5.20) in our neighborhoods, schools, campuses, and workplaces, who strive to bring light into dark places with the hope of the gospel.
We’d love to partner with you in growing as a disciple of Jesus. You can e-mail us for more information or explore our Frequently Asked Questions.
We have groups that meet most nights of the week, from Singers Glen to Staunton. For the specifics of a group's details, including the location, please contact a leader of that group.
5:30 p.m. Bridgewater--childcare provided*
Benny & Rachel Bennison (contact for childcare details)
Austin & Callie White
- meets close to Bridgewater College
5:30 p.m. SE. Harrisonburg--childcare provided
Dereck & Caitlyn Criner
James & Brooke Dillard
6:30 pm 33 West--men only; no childcare
DJ Stewart: 540.578.0665
Cam Strickler
6:00 pm Singers Glen--childcare provided
Chiedo & Kelsey John
Gonzo & Sarah Laguarda
6:00 pm N. Harrisonburg--childcare provided
Brian & Caitlin Parrish
Sándor & Mary Tapolyai
- meets close to EMU
6 pm Bridgewater
Andrew & Leah Kilcup
Becca Sopher
- meets close to Bridgewater College
6 pm Bridgewater--childcare provided
Scott & Chelsea Anderson
James & Joanne Robbie
- meets close to Bridgewater College
6:30 pm Staunton--childcare provided*
David & Anna Kirkpatrick (*contact Anna for childcare details)
Steven & Abby Woerner
6:30 pm W. Harrisonburg--childcare provided
Cori & Rebecca Pflugradt
Chris & Kelly McMichael