Summer Huddles

Summer Huddles are small, member led groups that meet for various amounts of time throughout the summer that revolve around a specific topic, book, activity, hobby, or service project.

See below for the list of huddles that are still meeting! Click to email the group leader for more specifics like the location. For book study groups, participants are responsible for purchasing the book.



1 p.m. Ephesians Bible Study; college / post-grad women
[7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11, & 8/18]
Joy Toth & Kara Ferrell
'Our vision for this small group is to encourage young women to pour into each other, our church, and this city. Summer can often feel like a complex time for college students who feel a lull in community. We want to use this opportunity to build church community with these women. We'll study through the book of Ephesians, every other Sunday through the summer. Light snacks provided.'


10 a.m. Moms at the Park; all ladies welcome
[begins 6/11]
Monica Moore, Caitlin Testa, Rebecca Pflugradt
'We will meet at a park each week with the hope to provide moms and kids a chance to connect. All ladies are welcome to join (not exclusive to those with kids).'

7-8 p.m. Writer's Circle
Abby Huffman
'We will get together to work on writing projects. We will have iced coffee and meet at a comfortable location and bring writing projects with us. We can bounce ideas off of one another if desired. Any type of writing project is ok! Poetry, journalling, novel, etc. We'll plan to meet three times over the summer. Dates TBD based on the group.'



6:30-9 p.m. Disc Golf & Discussion
[begins 6/6]
Dan Castle
'Come play a chill, beginner friendly round of disc golf at a course in the City. Afterwards, we'll enjoy a lively discussion of an apologetics topic of our choosing over good food and drink. Open to all disc golf skill levels and spiritual backgrounds.'


6-8:30 p.m. Neighborhood Park Picnics
[6/22, 7/20, 8/17]
Kelly McMichael, Chiedo John, Deb Sweigart
'In an effort to reach out to our neighbors, we will go to Ralph Sampson Park for a picnic/BBQ type gathering with the purpose of intentionally reaching out to others at the park by engaging in conversation, playing sports or outdoor games, and building relationships.'