Aletheia Equip

In partnership with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, we're hosting a 12 week Equip Course on Christian Doctrine. The course will cover the major Doctrines of Christian Theology, introducing each of them so the student can gain a general knowledge of Christian Doctrines.

The Details:
Course Duration
: 2/10-4/27
In-person cohort meetings: 2/23, 3/16, 3/30, 4/13, & 4/27; all meetings will be from 12-1:30 p.m.
Cost: $50; includes class registration, textbook, notebook, and lunch at each cohort meeting.
- COLLEGE STUDENTS: this is for you too! If you want to participate, but the cost will prevent you from doing so, please contact Caitlin Parrish prior to filling out the registration link below.

Cohort meetings will be held after church at EMHS and include a time for discussion, led by cohort facilitators. Across 12 weeks, students will watch video lectures (total time: 4 hours), complete the assigned reading, and participate in discussions during cohort meetings.
- Lunch is provided for each cohort meeting.

The syllabus for the class can be found HERE.
To register for the class, please click HERE.
- registration closes on February 9th!

We believe in the value of this and don't want the cost to keep anyone from participating. If finances are a barrier to participation, please contact Caitlin Parrish