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Aletheia Equip

In partnership with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, we're hosting a six week Equip Course on Christian Doctrine. The course will cover the major Doctrines of Christian Theology, introducing each of them so the student can gain a general knowledge of Christian Doctrines.

The Details:
Course Duration
: 10/6-11/17
In-person cohort meetings: 10/20, 11/3, and 11/17. 
Cost: $60; includes class registration, textbook, lunch, and childcare (if applicable).

Cohort meetings will be held after church at EMHS and include a time for discussion, led by cohort facilitators. This 6 week course requires students to watch all of the video lectures, complete the assigned reading, and attend each cohort meeting.
- Lunch and childcare are provided for each cohort meeting.

The syllabus for the class can be found HERE.
To register for the class, please click HERE.
- registration closes on September 29th!